This site serves as a repository of information on the solar energy industry. I became interested in solar around Christmas 2022 after having a conversation with a business owner in the space. It coincided with travelling around Dorset and seeing the sheer number of homes that had installed PV panels on their roofs. In April 2023, I enrolled on the Solar Photovoltaic course at the Renewable Energy Institute. I have now passed the exam and also become a member of the organisation.

As my knowledge of the industry grows, so will I hope to make the content as easy to understand as possible. I believe the biggest barrier in education is that subject matter is not explained from first principles. Each layer of knowledge must be broken down into its most simplistic part and all assumptions must be deconstructed in a literal way. In doing this, most people can understand and accomplish a lot more than they initially think.

This is also a place to display some of my marketing work and the latest insights in the world of SEO and web development. I have worked in a number of different marketing roles, including for large companies in the tech and travel industries. The relevant information and tools are always changing and evolving. I hope this site can provide up to date, powerful insight for those looking to enhance their marketing campaigns and ultimately grow their business!

If you want to find out more about my work, please email: